Www.globetrotter.com Flexlm End User Manual


May 05, 2016  大型工程软件如OrCAD、PADs,Ansys、Fluent、Unigraph、ProE等安装需要经过注册程序Flexlm才可以使用,而Flexlm中涉及到很多知识、技巧,也存在许多问题。本篇文章就是针对上述软件安装中的常见问题作一些探讨与解决。 Flexlm 介绍—常见EDA软件的license管理 一、什么是 Flexlm? Using LMTOOLs to Help Setup FLEXlm. ADS 2001 contains the Globetrotter Software utility lmtools with the FLEXlm software installed with ADS on the PC platform. This utility does not replace the steps in this chapter regarding license installation, but can aid in the installation and use of FLEXlm licenses.


This technote identifies a potential cause and a resolution to the FLEXlm error: -13,66 which might occur when performing a status enquiry using lmtools.exe in conjunction with IBM® Rational® Licensing.


The full error message is as follows:

Flexible License Manager status on Tue 1/15/2002 15:10
[Detecting lmgrd processes...]
Error getting status: No SERVER lines in license file
License path: C:Program FilesRationalcommonrational_perm.dat
FLEXlm error: -13,66
For further information, refer to the FLEXlm End User Manual, available at '

This error appears when a node-locked license file has been accidentally selected to run the status enquiry.

Flexlm user guide

Resolving The Problem

FLEXlm Error -13 appears because you are attempting to run a license server status enquiry using a license file that does not contain a SERVER line in it (node-locked license file). Without the SERVER line in the file, lmtools does not know which license server to run the enquiry against.
To perform the status inquiry one of the following files needs to be used in lmtools:
Located on the License Server:


Located on the Client Systems:


Note: The rational_redirect1.dat file only exists if the client is pointing to multiple license servers.
How to select one of the above files:

    lmtools.exe v7.x and later:
    1. Open lmtools by selecting Start > Run..., typing lmtools and clicking OK
    2. Select the Service / License File tab
    3. Select the Configuration using License File button
    4. Validate that one of the above mentioned license files is selected.

    lmtools.exe v6.x:
    1. Open lmtools by selecting Start > Run..., typing lmtools and clicking OK
    2. Validate the path to one of the above mentioned license files appears in the Current License File field.

[{'Product':{'code':'SSTMW6','label':'Rational License Key Server'},'Business Unit':{'code':'BU004','label':'Hybrid Cloud'},'Component':'FLEXlm','Platform':[{'code':'PF033','label':'Windows'}],'Version':'2002.05.00;2002.05.20;2003.06.00;2003.06.01;2003.06.10;2003.06.12;2003.06.13;2003.06.14;2003.06.15;2003.06.16','Edition':'}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018


Flexlm User Guide


This technote identifies a possible resolution to the error FLEXlm error: -1,359, which might occur when performing a license server Status Enquiry in lmtools.exe (License Tools) when used in conjunction with IBM® Rational® Licensing.


The full error message is as follows:

[Detecting lmgrd processes...]
Error getting status: Cannot find license file
The license files (or server network addresses) attempted are listed below. Use LM_LICENSE_FILE to use a different license file, or contact your software provider for a license file.
Filename: C:flexlmlicense.dat
License path: C:flexlmlicense.dat
FLEXlm error: -1,359. System Error: 2 'No such file or directory'
For further information, refer to the FLEXlm End User Manual, available at '

The option Configuration using License File in the Server/License File tab is selected, but the path to the license file is invalid, or it is pointing to a file that does not exist.

Resolving The Problem

To resolve this issue:

  1. Open lmtools by selecting Start > Run..., typing lmtools and clicking OK
  2. Select the Service / License File tab
  3. Select the Configuration using License File button
  4. Validate the path to the license file is correct by using the Browse button to locate the file.
    The path should be pointed to the rational_redirect.dat, when checking the status from a client machine and to the rational_server_perm.dat or rational_server_temp.dat when checking the status from the license server machine.
    Note: These files are located in C:Program FilesRationalCommon by default.

[{'Product':{'code':'SSTMW6','label':'Rational License Key Server'},'Business Unit':{'code':'BU004','label':'Hybrid Cloud'},'Component':'FLEXlm','Platform':[{'code':'PF033','label':'Windows'}],'Version':'2002.05.00;2002.05.20;2003.06.00;2003.06.01;2003.06.10;2003.06.12;2003.06.13;2003.06.14;2003.06.15;2003.06.16','Edition':'}]

Globetrotter Software Flexlm

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018