Sample Resume Create User Instructional Procedures Manual

Most of us don’t think about how to write a training manual until we meet customers, co-workers, or students repeatedly asking the same questions. Still, you can’t appreciate the availability of a comprehensive training manual template more than after answering the same questions several times per day. Have you ever been in this situation? Even if you haven’t (yet), read these step-by-step instructions and use our training manual templates and a special-purpose tool to create an awesome training manual and never suffer from a lack of user documentation.

  1. Sample User Manual Template
  2. Sample Instructional Manual
  3. Sample User Manual For Software
  4. Sample User Manual

Mar 03, 2015  5 Software Applications for creating a Manual. Posted on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 Monday. You can change the content of the Manual put it into the Cloud, and users who are linked online can easily see and access the latest information in the Manual. Creating more than 200 instruction manuals for products and services offered by business. May 10, 2011  How to Create a User Manual. Software, computers, games, and devices require user manuals, guides that explain how to use the product (and how not to). A user manual is a formal writing piece with a specific structure, and should be. This document is a template for creating a User Manual for a given investment or project. The final document should be delivered in an electronically searchable format. The User Manual should stand on its own with all elements explained and acronyms spelled out for reader/reviewers, including reviewers outside CMS who may not be familiar with. Share ready step-by-step manuals and reference user guides with your colleagues. With the help of StepShot Manuals, publish your help files to the professional workspace or export it as a PDF or Word file. Make use of the default document templates to style. 8+ Sample Instruction Manual Templates Irrespective of the products we buy, we have an instruction manual that comes along with the items to teach the users the best way to utilise the product. These manuals come in a number of formats depending on the nature of the product. The template was reviewed by members of the development team and comments and feedback were incorporated. This associated user guide and resource manual was developed to support agencies in the use of the template. Questions This Job Description Template User Guide & Resource Manual will be updated as new resources are identified.

Training manuals are essential for any process related to training or onboarding – be it customer support, employee training, task delegation, new hire onboarding, or online learning. Once, I was working with three new employees who kept asking similar questions regularly – that is when I understood the true value of training and theonboarding process. That is why I have prepared this extremely useful article and training manual template for you – read on to find it!

A winning training manual takes the employee on a seamless journey from an understanding of training objectives right down to equipping the employee with the relevant skills to execute the task on hand. If you are writing a technical user guide or process documentation for e-learning purposes, or for archival in your organization’s server, a good training manual should be easy to understand, intuitive enough for the viewer to manoeuvre through and well sectioned for easy reference. According to theAssociation for Talent Development of the United States (ATD), 45% of learning hours in an average organization were developed via online or e-learning methods in 2017, and this is an increase of 41% vs. 2015.

Understanding how to write a training manual is an inherent skill necessary for the success and continuity of businesses. Read on to discover 5 steps on how to write a training manual and find a training manual template enclosed.


Step 1. Identify The Objectives of the Training Manual

It’s crucial to identify the objectives of the training program as this will set the tone and manner of the training manual and determine its success. According to a report by24×7 Learning “Workplace Learning – 2015,” only 11% of learners admitted to applying the skills learnt from training received to their job. This highlights the importance of ascertaining learner’s needs and mapping them against organization objectives for integration into the training program.

Some common training manual objectives include:

  • On-boarding of new employees and acclimatization to organizational job culture
  • Up-skilling existing employees with new skills required for their job
  • Improving soft skills an employee lacks to address gaps in a periodic performance review
  • Reducing the number of accidents by providing safety tips to workers
  • Changing employee attitudes and increasing productivity
  • Preparing employees for promotion by imparting advanced skill sets

Whichever objective your training manual strives to achieve, starting out by outlining the objectives will help you identify the successive important elements of the training program to create a cohesive flow.

Step 2. Identify the Target Audience

A training manual can be as effective as a trainer skilled in connecting with the target audience and making the learners understand the content. Whether you are an external or internal trainer, understanding the organization’s objectives, culture and target audience will help you adopt the right approach to deliver training materials. Write your training manual template keeping in mind the demographics and psychological behaviors of the learners, their backgrounds, their jobs, industry, and language proficiency. By understanding the subtle nuances of your target audience, you will avoid developing a training manual template with a low completion rate, or result in recurring on-the-job errors that the training manual failed to address.

Step 3. Select Tools

Now that you have identified your training objectives and target audience, it is time to select the necessary tools and develop your training materials. For this purpose, we strongly recommend usingStepShot Guides. If you’re wondering how to write a training manual, this tool will help you create it with no hassle and minimal time expenditures. As usual, this software documentation tool is used to create training manuals, user guides, product manuals, video tutorials, help articles, and other docs designed to teach a user how to use a program or how to accomplish a procedure. Thus, ERP consultants, IT support managers, HR managers, small business owners and CEOs, and customer support agents frequently use StepShot Guides to create training manuals for their customers or coworkers.

How to write a training manual with StepShot Guides

  1. LaunchStepShot Guides.
  2. Go through the procedure you want to explain (the tool will automatically capture your actions as annotated screenshots and step descriptions).
  3. Edit and improve the training manual using the comprehensive editing toolset provided by the app.
  4. Export the training guide to PDF, Word, HTML, WordPress, video, or as images.

Just imagine, by launching StepShot Guides, you can automatically capture screenshots and effortlessly create a training manual and a training manual template with the help of customizable templates and export them into whatever format you need. Owing to a simplified capturing procedure, you won’t need to use a bunch of programs like a screenshotting tool, image editor, and word processor. Similarly, you no longer need to toggle between different software programs to input comments, remarks or icons to draw attention to specific screenshots. StepShot Guides alone will substitute all these tools and you’ll be free of dull and monotonous copypasting in several tools. In addition, StepShot Guides offers integration with popular organization platforms includingConfluence, WordPress, and StepShot Cloud. Research indicates that StepShot cuts short 90% of the time required for a software documentation routine, thanks to its effortless cross-integration across platforms.

Step 4. Develop Your Training Materials

While designing your training materials, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Introduce the objective of the training manual and what the audience can achieve at the end of the course.
  • Inform the audience that there will be an assessment and a minimum qualifying mark in order to pass the assessment. Failing which, a retake of the assessment is required until the qualifying mark is met.
  • Paint the step-by-step scenario or solution you would like to present. For example, if there has been a decrease in the performance rates caused by poor experience in software usage, a user guide, video tutorial, or anSOP can be used to demonstrate to trainees how to use the program.
  • Use a combination of text andvisuals to break the monotony and increase the learners’ engagement.
  • Promote interactivity throughout the training manual by making the learners click on icons to reveal information or launch a video.
  • Include problem-solving discussion topics to encourage interactivity and feedback from the learner.
  • Summarize the key points and recapitulate key learning at the end of each module to create reinforcement and instill long-term memory.
  • For process guides, providestep-by-step screenshots in a sequence that the actual user will go through. This clarity will minimize user frustration and free the trainer’s time from managing more follow-up queries from the learner post-training.
  • As a general rule of thumb, keep the learning experience up to 20 minutes maximum. Exceeding this duration will cause the learner’s attention to waiver and the learner will be more prone to fast forward through the training manual, causing the learner to fail the assessment or retake the assessment multiple times.
  • If face-to-face training is conducted, do not hesitate to trigger a follow-up online quiz after the training session to assess the individual learners’ knowledge and reinforce the information that was presented during the classroom session.

Step 5. Develop an Assessment Component

Having an assessment or quiz at the end of training is crucial as it provides a measurement of the training efficacy to the trainer and sets success benchmarks to the learner. Bear in mind that the assessment must not be too technical or mathematically challenging. A good and reasonable passing test score for e-learning is 80%, as this implies that the learner has a robust understanding that will allow the individual to operate in the desired manner.

Step 6. Get Feedback and Perform Usability Testing

Although you already know how to write a training manual, ensure that your training manual is proofread by another team member and another individual with your learner’s profile. By obtaining a fresh perspective, you will be able to single out typo errors and ensure that the content is accurate, clear and comprehensive. Do not forget to test the training on individuals who are like your learners. Usability test will allow you to identify system bugs that will otherwise be a blind spot.

If you’re still not sure how to write a training manual, make use of this training manual template as of an example.

DOWNLOAD a Training Manual Template in PDF

According to theAssociation for Talent Development, it is not surprising that companies who invest in training initiatives enjoy 24% higher profit margins than those who spend less. Furthermore, knowing how to write a training manual and an effective user guide helps organizations reduce operational errors, thus creating a positive client experience and expedited execution of new knowledge at a faster speed. In the existing increasingly competitive business environment, efficiency, a speed of delivery, and cost management will set you apart from the pack. This underscores the importance of documentation ninjas as a valuable asset to organizations, and with the right tool like StepShot Guides, anyone can become a documentation ninja.

StepShot has recently introduced its newest and most advanced product to quickly create manuals and video tutorials

Transform stress and anxiety associated with documentation into productivity
with this insanely easy software to create user manuals, online guides,
help files and other types of technical documents.

Unleash Your Power with Our Software for Creating Manuals

Screenshots are produced on every mouse click as you go through the workflow. It allows you to be less distracted from the procedure and spend less time on creating training manuals.
As soon as the whole process is captured in screenshots, you can start editing them right away. A rich variety of tools is available in order to help you visualize your technical documentation. You can crop an image, frame or highlight important regions, blur secure information and much more.
Share ready step-by-step manuals and reference user guides with your colleagues. With the help of StepShot Manuals, publish your help files to the professional workspace or export it as a PDF or Word file. Make use of the default document templates to style or brand your IT documentation.

Explore the Features of Our Software for Creating Training Manuals

Process Automation

StepShot automatically chooses an active window to be captured.
Capture info from a full screen to show the wider context in a guide.
Every mouse click produces a separate screenshot – no additional effort is required.

Practical Functionality

Crop unnecessary fields and leave only necessary information.
Add the text to your screenshots using a text box.

Sample User Manual Template

Easily add different geometrical shapes to an image to communicate your ideas clearly.

A Wide Range of Formats

Export your guide as a ready-to-use PDF file.
Share your user guides in a Word document.
No matter what website platform you use, easily upload your guides as HTML files.

Integration with Professional

Publish your document to a website or blog on WordPress.
Contribute to your online corporate wiki with newly-created instructions and manuals.

Sample Instructional Manual

Upload clear and accurate how-to guides to your company’s knowledge management system.

Sample User Manual For Software

Love utilizing our user manual creation software to build runbooks that help explain complex procedures and operations.
Like to document troubleshooting procedures to reduce time spent on repetitive issues with the customers.
Find it highly important to capture software requirements, bug reports, and procedures to ensure the quality knowledge transfer and software delivery.

Sample User Manual

Try our newest and most advanced tool to quickly create manuals, guides and video tutorials